The surf is up! I am riding a spiritual wave after the conclusion of our annual Christmas Pageant. What a blessing it was to be a part of such a wonderful worship event. What a tremendous opportunity to bring glory and honor to the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord. Almost 300 volunteers laid this Pageant at Christ's feet—a tiny offering compared to Calvary but one we desperately wanted to give. Our goal was to present the good news of the gospel and share the joy and peace He provides. The Pageant with all its drama, music, singing, costumes, props, staging, and effects could never hope to save a single soul. Only Jesus saves! Faith in the blood of Christ saves! Accepting God's grace through faith in what Jesus did for us saves! We are to go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Ours is to share. His is to save. The Christmas Pageant is a tool used by God to cut deep and true. I am reminded of what John the Baptist shared in John 3:30, "He must increase, but I must decrease." He is increased when we take the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and wield it with confidence. Know God with your head, love God with your heart, and share God with your lips. If we can die to self and abandon ourselves to God's mission, we can be confident the Holy Spirit will use the Holy Scripture to make us whole and holy.
Some lyrics from the Pageant crucifixion scene: "He could have left the garden long before he was betrayed. He could have summoned angels to come and end the pain. But He willingly surrendered there as He laid down His life—the Shepherd given as the Lamb to be our sacrifice. He chose the cross. He heard the call. He saw the need and gave his all. His heart compelled by love's greatest cause, to seek and save He chose the cross."
Do I really understand the depth, width and height of what He did for me on the cross? His love is too deep, wide and high for me to comprehend. But I know He loves me nonetheless and He will never fail me. The promises of God are...eternal, unyielding, binding, spectacular, righteous and holy. How great thou art! Isn't it oh so humbling to serve such an awesome God?! We have been transformed and can't help but proclaim Him as Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Prince of Peace, and the Lamb of Glory. He is truly the Lord of all!
May the richest blessings of the Christmas gospel message overflow within you this holiday season. The baby born of a virgin, the carpenter of Nazareth, the Jesus of ministry, the Christ of the cross, the creator of the universe...He dwells within you! Truly He is the greatest gift of all.
Hey, I have to go. Surf’s up again. There's another really great wave coming in I have to catch! Hope to see you out on God's ocean of faith, hope, and love. Merry Christmas!
For His Increase,
Steve Yarbrough (a.k.a., Lazarus)
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