Wednesday, October 3, 2012

InChoirer - October 3, 2012

If you were not with us this past Sunday evening (September 30th), you missed a glorious worship experience! We had a wonderful afternoon and evening with the combined choirs and orchestras of Southern Hills and Emmanuel. Our soloists represented us well, our choir sang their hearts out, and our orchestra added to the great sound. I want to thank everyone for the adjustments you had to make to give up an afternoon and evening so this could happen. All in all, we took 93+ individuals down and I think everyone will agree . . . it was a LONG day, but we can’t wait to do it again!

And we will do it again . . . on Sunday, October 21st, but this time Southern Hills will come here. Our choir officers will be coordinating our efforts to be the best hosts ever (!) and we may be calling on some of you to help us out. We would really like to have EVERYONE with us in both our choir and orchestra on the 21st so please save the day and plan to be a part as we host the great folks from Southern Hills.

If you read the other side (of the InChoirer) you will see a rather frightening number . . . we only have 66 days until Christmas Pageant! The concert music is finally in and Faye has published the full choir dates for you to be able to plan accordingly. In addition, we will schedule some "bonus" rehearsals that we’ll be telling you more about in the weeks ahead. Please spend time with your music and CDs on your own. The sooner we begin singing from memory, the more comfortable you will be when we start putting all the pieces together!

God has so richly blessed us . . . let’s worship this evening and Sunday and on every day in between!

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