Sunday, July 8, 2012

And the countdown is on . . .

Tonight we met for our "final" rehearsal and group meeting before our departure on Thursday. There are lots of last minute details . . . shirts . . . name tags . . . CDs . . . but we have a great group of 35 people who are all eager to help! Anticipation is building as we see the many doors God has opened. Some of us are ready to walk out the door . . . and some of us will probably still be getting ready on Thursday morning!

When we first considered going on a choir/mission trip and we were examining the options available, Australia almost immediately came to the top of the list. Obviously, they speak English (at least a form of it!) which is very reassuring for those of us who have never travelled abroad. But those of us who heard Dan, Wade, and John share about their experience after the Singing Churchmen went to Australia ten years ago could recall how there was a thirst for the worship experience they shared, and although God's work is going strong, the majority of people in Australia are unchurched.

They also shared that a "choir" was novel in a country known for praise and worship "bands." Ten years ago, people were drawn to the choir experience and it is our hope and prayer that as we travel with a representative group from our own Praisingers that the people in Austrlia will have the opportunity to experience worship with us. Week after week, we are reminded that our role as a choir is to lead others to worship along side us . . . not to perform, . . . not to seek the praise of man.

We pray that the people we encounter will recognize that spirit in us and be drawn to worship in a special way while we are there. This week's Emmanuel Life contained information on some of the specific ministry opportunities. Please continue to lift us up daily.

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